Free Workshop 0.6 CEUs
December 7, 2019 9am - 4pm (1hr lunch)
Kapiʻolani Community College
Kōpiko Room 127A, 127B
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI
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Disability and Communication Access Board
Depiction in Interpreting, When and How
Participants should be familiar with the following concepts, as only a refresher will be provided: constructed action, classifiers, partitioning, unrealized inceptives, and indicating verbs. This session bring these aspects together for working and aspiring interpreters. This workshop presents the view that English linguistic items and structures evoke conceptual content that can guide interpretation. Once we see these structures and how they symbolize meaning as they are derived from conceptualization, the depiction options narrow to a more suitable list. Construal will be of paramount importance and will be discussed at length with detailed attention given to cognitive semantics. For example, these four sentences evoke three different scenes:
The farmer caught the rabbit
The rabbit was caught by the former
The rabbit was caught
I saw the farmer catch the rabbit
All four of these structures can inform how we construct our interpretation. Simply examining the vantage point they provide can narrow the options of who to become (constructed action/surrogate). Examining these constructions in terms of passive vs. active voice can also guide our options.
When interpreters internalize how structures in language evoke not only conceptual content, but also a specific way of viewing said content (the construal), the method of depicting the construal will become more apparent. Workshop participants will first work sentence by sentence to examine structures in source messages, discuss the options to depict, and then reexamine all structures to constrict the available options in order to construct a truly equivalent target message. *Presented in ASL*
Presenter: Wink MA, MBA, NIC Master
Wink, MA, MBA, NIC Master, enjoys researching and creating various workshops that focus on skill building through deliberate practice, which he wrote about in the RID Views, Winter 2012 issue. Presenting workshops the last ten years at national conferences (NAD, RID, Silent Weekend) regional conferences (RID I, II, III, IV, V), state conferences, and local workshops across the nation has given Wink experiences to enhance applications for interpreters of all levels. Wink is widely noted for the comfortable atmosphere he creates and the passion he exudes. Currently Wink travels full time performing, presenting workshops, and managing Winkshop, Inc, through which he has developed a dozen training DVDs. A fun fact: in 2016 alone, Wink traveled professionally enough miles to circle the earth over three times.
Wink is an Approved RID Sponsor for continuing education activities. This professional studies program is offered for 0.6 CEUs at the Little to None prior knowledge content level.
Target Audience: Those who would like to practice their English to ASL translation.
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This will be an environment of respect and positivity, no discrimination or offensive behavior will be allowed.
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